AWS - Series S3 Bucket - Bucket Creation and Replication

Hello All

Hope everyone is doing great . Today we are going to cover the below topics in this blog

Topic Contents

  • What is S3?
  • How to Create the bucket ?
  • Replications between the buckets

What is S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. In Common word , Its like an google drive , Microsoft One-drive 

How it works and How to Create to buckets?

Amazon S3 is an object storage service that stores data as objects within buckets. An object is a file and any metadata that describes the file. A bucket is a container for objects.

To store your data in Amazon S3, you first create a bucket and specify a bucket name and AWS Region. Then, you upload your data to that bucket as objects in Amazon S3. Each object has a key (or key name), which is the unique identifier for the object within the bucket.

Buckets and the objects in them are private and can be accessed only if you explicitly grant access permissions.

we can use bucket policies, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, access control lists (ACLs), and S3 Access Points to manage access.

To create a bucket , In S3 console

ACL Enabled

To access the buckets from public , UN- tick all and acknowledge it

Enable the Bucket versioning 

Finally Create it 

Successfully created the bucket as below

Upload files and folders

OP upload any files and folders 

Open the newly created bucket and click on upload

Add files / Add Folders / Remove  from the below

Click on permission and Grant public access , if you need to access on public and upload it

How to access the uploaded files from the public ?

Open the file from S3 Bucket and copy the object ID and Access it via Any browser


How to replicate the content of One bucket to another bucket?

Create a new bucket in the same region name it as per standard 

This time am going to copy the settings from existing bucket created , to save my time , again this is optional


see the below, all the settings came automatically inherited from the bucket name called "aishflatbuckets"

Finally create the second bucket for content replication

So now , another newly created bucket created and its available in S3 console

Uploading: 91857 of 91857 bytes uploaded.

Bucket Name : aishflatbuckets: One file is available  - This is Source 

Bucket name : cauveryflatbucket - No File  - Destination

Our Goal : is to replicate the content from source to Destination

Click on source bucket name called aishflatbuckets - go the management Menu

Create replication Rules

Name the replication rule, Select Enable , and select Apply to all object in the bucket

Browse to select the destination bucket

Create a New IAM rule for this replication

Come down and Save it

chose the below option

Once the job is successfully completed. The files are available to destination buckets

I hope this would help us to learn, what is S3 Bucket and how upload it the files and folders and finally how the replication  works between the buckets. Happy Learning 😃

In the next blog, we will see how to host the static web hosting in S3 bucket 
