Hello All
Today we are going to see, how to deploy the Static web Application in Linux platform in AWS cloud
Below are the steps in AWS Linux instance
- Create an AWS Instance of Linux OS
- Create or Modify the security group inbound traffic to allow the HTTP port on 80
- Change to Sudo Profile
- Install Apache Server in AWS linux
- http://themesseo.com/ - This website provides the list of web host applications for practise
- Download the package
- Unzip the package
- Host the web application
- Create an AWS Instance of Linux OS
Refer the below link for AWS Linux Instance creation
- Create or Modify the security group inbound traffic to allow the HTTP port on 80
Select the instance
Select the security TAB
Edit the Inbound Rule
Add the HTTP Traffic
Once the Apache package installed successfully. Start the httpd service
Systeemctl httpd start
Ensure the httpd service is active
- http://themesseo.com/ - This website provides the list of web host applications for practise
in any of the browser - open the link http://themesseo.com/
Select the category you want from left-side
Right click the download button and select copy Link address
Go back to the AWS linux server with SUDO access
use wget command to download the package
Navigate to the below directory and download
cd /var/www/html
- Unzip the package
The package name in my case is classyads.zip
To unzip the package run the below command
unzip classads.zip
All the required files are extracted in the folder called "Classyads"
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