AWS - Series EC2 - Create an AMI from an Amazon EC2 Instance

Hello All

Hope everyone is doing great.  Today we are going walk through the EC2 AMI instance for backup images creation and the associated snapshots and Volumes

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) are archival copies of instances that you can use to launch other instances. You can create AMIs from instances as a backup or to create new instances with the exact configuration of the parent instance.

Steps Involved

  • Create of Windows Instance
  • Place some contents in Windows Instance
  • Creation of Images
  • Launch the AMI Instance 
  • Degistered the AMI

Create and Launch the windows instance . Assume its master / parent Instance 

RDP the server :

Create some content in Desktop and C drive

Creation of  AMI Images 

Select the running Instance - Go to the Action Menu 

Select the Images and Templates

Select Create Images

In the Next Screen

Name the AMI Backup Image  as you like  i have given as "EC2AMISRV01_BKPIMG"

Enable the NO boot 

By default, Amazon EC2 shuts down the instance, takes snapshots of any attached volumes, creates and registers the AMI, and then reboots the instance. Choose No reboot if you don't want your instance to be shut down.

finally hit the create image

Once the images are created successfully , it must be in available status and then hot the LAUNCH AMI INSTANCE


See the Application and OS Images this time,

Automatically the backup Images taken from the images which we created for the selected instance

Select the Secuirty group and Starigare 

Finally Launch the instance

Once the Instance created successfully

Login to the backup server with Public IP 

now check the content 

Deregister the AMI's 

What is Deregister the AMI's
If you create an AMI from an existing instance, once the AMI is created, AWS creates a snapshot of the root storage as well as all the EBS volumes that are attached to the instance. When you deregister the AMI, it is simply deleted

I hope this helps to create a images for existing instance as a snapshot along with the associated  volumes . Happy Learning 😃
