Hello All
Hope everyone is doing great and today we are going to cover the below topics in this blog
1. what is MS Team Archive
2. Two ways to Archive MS Teams
3. GUI and Powershell
4. Bulk Archival of MS Teams and why we need bulk archival
5. Finally, the reporting archival status.
what is MS Team Archive
Archive a team when it’s no longer active, but you want to keep it around for reference or to reactivate in the future. The conversations and files in the team become read-only once you archive it. You’ll still be able to search through it for stuff you need—you can even keep it as a favourite. Only team owners can archive and restore teams.
we can do the archive either from teams client and Teams powershell
Archive a team in Teams Client
select Manage Teams
In the Manage Teams, find the name of the team you want to archive, then select More options
> Archive team.
Powershell to archive - Single Teams
The command is Set-TeamArchivedState
Ramki: 01/03/2024 16:43:29>Set-TeamArchivedState -GroupId a1c51541-67ce-4c34-b3a9-88b13959c28f -Archived:$True
GroupId DisplayName Visibility Archived MailNickName Description
------- ----------- ---------- -------- ------------ -----------
a1c51541-67ce-4c34-b3a9-88b13959c28f Mark 8 Project ... Public True Mark8ProjectTea... Welcome to the ...
Bulk Archival of MS Teams
$csv = Import-Csv C:\Users\ramki\Desktop\arc.csv
foreach ($team in $csv) {
Set-TeamArchivedState -GroupId $team.id -Archived:$true
It will be useful for universities or schools to archive bulk teams when an academic year ends.
if you want to archive teams time to time in the end of the session with keyword like '2023', 'Class-VI-A', 'BCA', 'PA'.
Get-Team | Where {$_.DisplayName -like "*2020*" | Set-TeamArchivedState -Archived:$true
To get all the archived teams in the Microsoft Teams, we can use the following PowerShell cmdlet.
Ramki: 01/03/2024 16:46:51>Get-Team | where {$_.Archived -eq $true}
GroupId DisplayName Visibility Archived MailNickName Description
------- ----------- ---------- -------- ------------ -----------
8c052697-824d-47bc-978b-55457fe2a9ab Archive Test01 Public True ArchiveTest01 Archive Test01
a1c51541-67ce-4c34-b3a9-88b13959c28f Mark 8 Project ... Public True Mark8ProjectTea... Welcome to the ...
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