Integrate LinkedIn account connections in Azure Active Directory - Entra

 Hello Everyone,

Today we are going see , how to  Integrate LinkedIn account connections in Azure Active Directory - Entra

As many of us know that, we can allow users in our organization to access their LinkedIn connections within some Microsoft apps. No data is shared until users consent to connect their accounts. You can integrate your organization with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), part of Microsoft Entra.

Enable LinkedIn account connections in the Entra portal

  1. Sign in to the with an account that's a Global Administrator for the Azure AD organization.

  2. On the Users page, select User settings.

  3. Under LinkedIn account connections, allow users to connect their accounts to access their LinkedIn connections within some Microsoft apps. No data is shared until users consent to connect their accounts.

    • Select Yes to enable the service for all users in your organization
    • Select Selected group to enable the service for only a group of selected users in your organization
    • Select No to withdraw consent from all users in your organization

    • When you're done, select Save to save your settings.

In this topic ,  have covered to enable full tenancy

How to integrate after the org wide settings enabled

Login in to the OWA and open the profile card

When you click this LinkedIn icon, you’ll see a prompt to connect your LinkedIn account with your current Microsoft account. Click Continue to LinkedIn, then you’ll need to sign in with your LinkedIn credentials if you’re not already logged in.

Microsoft will give the suggestion to match your exact profile 

Click on the profile and sign in to your LinkedIn account

Give the consent page


Confirm the connection, then you’re all set.

Now your linked-in account got integrated with your outlook profile card.

Alternate way to enable this feature from group Policy

Use Group Policy to enable LinkedIn account connections
  1. Download the Office 2016 Administrative Template files (ADMX/ADML)

  2. Extract the ADMX files and copy them to your central store.

  3. Open Group Policy Management.

  4. Create a Group Policy Object with the following setting: User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Microsoft Office 2016 > Miscellaneous > Show LinkedIn features in Office applications.

  5. Select Enabled or Disabled.

    EnabledThe Show LinkedIn features in Office applications setting in Office 2016 Options is enabled. Users in your organization can use LinkedIn features in their Office 2016 applications.
    DisabledThe Show LinkedIn features in Office applications setting in Office 2016 Options is disabled and end users can't change this setting. Users in your organization can't use LinkedIn features in their Office 2016 applications.

This group policy affects only Office 2016 apps for a local computer. If users disable LinkedIn in their Office 2016 apps, they can still see LinkedIn features in Microsoft 365
