Install Exchange 2013/2016/2019 Cumulative Updates - Considerations and Best Practise

Hello All

Microsoft recommends their users and customers to install the Exchange Server Cumulative Updates (CUs), Security Updates (SUs), and Hot Fixes (HFs) as soon as possible to safeguard against known threats and avoid the risk of malicious attacks. However, installing or upgrading Exchange Server to newer CU requires planning and preparation to ensure your users are unaffected and the upgrade is successful. In this article, we have shared the detailed instructions to apply Cumulative Updates to Exchange Server 2013 and later. 

Things to Consider Before Installing Exchange Cumulative Update

Steps to Install Cumulative Update in Exchange Server 2013, 2016, and 2019

Step 1: Download the Cumulative Update

Step 2: Put Exchange Server in Maintenance Mode

Step 3: Prepare for Cumulative Update

Step 4: Install RSAT-ADDs Feature

Step 5: Prepare Schema, AD, and Domains ( If CU Requires) 

Step 6: Install Cumulative Updates via Unattended Setup or GUI

Step 7: Remove Server from Maintenance Mode

Microsoft releases Security Updates (SUs) monthly and Cumulative Updates (CUs) for supported Exchange Server versions, such as Exchange 2013, 2016, and 2019, every quarter.

Cumulative Updates contain all the hotfixes and security updates released between the current and last CU releases. In addition, CUs also bring new features and updates that may improve the server's performance and reliability.

Things to Consider Before Installing Exchange Cumulative Update

Before you begin installing the Cumulative Update to Exchange Server, consider the following:

  1. If you are running a standalone Exchange Server, the mail flow will stop until you finish applying the Cumulative Updates. Thus, it is critical to plan the update as it can take time to finish. Planning will also avoid issues or instances of failed installation that can render the server unusable.
  2. After the upgrade, you can't uninstall Cumulative Updates as uninstalling CU will remove the Exchange Server.
  3. Customizations made to Exchange Server, such as Web.config files, will be overwritten and require you to re-apply them after the CU upgrade is finished. Therefore, save all customized Exchange and IIS settings you have made.
  4. Always test the Cumulative update in a test environment before deploying it to the production server.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Back up before you start installing the CU. If the update fails for any reason, you can use your backup to build a new server and restore mailbox databases. However, if the backup isn't available, We have to use 3rd Party  Exchange recovery software from the market place

Steps to Install Cumulative Update in Exchange Server 2013, 2016, and 2019

There are two ways to install Cumulative Updates,

  1. Through Graphical Users Interface (GUI).
  2. Using Command Prompt Unattended Mode.

install the Cumulative Updates on and DAG Exchange Servers. _ In this articles , we are using DAG 

Set HubTransport to draining state

Set-ServerComponentState -Identity "ServerName01" -Component HubTransport -State Draining -Requester Maintenance

Since we have another Exchange Server in the organization, redirect the queued message to that server

Redirect-Message -Server ServerName -Target "ServerName02

As the server belongs to the DAG group, run the following command; otherwise, skip to ServerWideOffline

Suspend-ClusterNode "ServerName01"

Then disable database copy auto-activation and move the active copy of the database to another DAG member.

Set-MailboxServer "ServerName01" -DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $true

Also, block the DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy,

Set-MailboxServer "ServerName01" -DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked

Then put the Exchange Server into maintenance mode using the following command,

Set-ServerComponentState "ServerName01" -Component ServerWideOffline -State Inactive -Requester Maintenance

To verify Exchange Server is in maintenance mode, run the following command,

Get-ServerComponentState "ServerName01” | Select Component, State

The components must be in an inactive state.

Restart the server.

Prepare for Cumulative Update

On the download page, check the system requirement section to learn the pre-requisites you need to install.

Install RSAT-ADDs Feature

Before extending the Active Directory Schema, you must install the RSAT-ADD feature (Remote Tools Administration Pack) on the domain controller and Exchange Server. For this, open PowerShell as administrator and run the following command,

Install-windows feature RSAT-ADDS

Prepare Schema, AD, and Domains - IF CU's needed

To prepare the Schema, Active Directory, and Domains, open Command Prompt as administrator and navigate the mounted CU ISO location using the CD command. For instance,

cd F:

Then run the following commands to prepare the Schema, AD, and all Domains,

\Setup.exe /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms_DiagnosticDataOff /PrepareSchema

\Setup.exe /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms_DiagnosticDataOff /PrepareAD

NOTE: Starting from September 2021 CU, you need to use the /IAcceptExchangeLicenseterms_DiagnosticDataOFF or/IAcceptExchangeLicenseterms_DiagnosticData_ON for unattended installs.

Restart the server in between to clear any pending reboots.

Remove Server from Maintenance Mode

Once the installation is finished, restart the server and then check the current version using the following command in EMS, and make sure the the correct build numbers are installed.

Get-command Exsetup.exe | Fl *fileVersion

Once verified, remove the server from the maintenance mode using the following command in Exchange Management Shell:

Once verified, remove the server from the maintenance mode using the following command in Exchange Management Shell:

Set-ServerComponentState “ServerName01” –Component ServerWideOffline –State Active –Requester Maintenance
Set-ServerComponentState "ServerName01" –Component HubTransport –State Active –Requester Maintenance

On the DAG member server, you need to perform the following commands to remove maintenance mode,
Resume-ClusterNode –Name ServerName
Set-MailboxServer ServerName –DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Unrestricted
Set-MailboxServer Servername –DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $false
Set-ServerComponentState “ServerName01” –Component ServerWideOffline –State Active –Requester Maintenance
Set-ServerComponentState ServerName01 –Component HubTransport –State Active –Requester Maintenance
To verify the DAG member server is out of maintenance mode,
Get-ClusterNode "ServerName01"
Install Pending Security Updates (SUs)
Once you have updated your Exchange Server to the latest Cumulative Updates, check any pending Security Updates. You can run healthChecker.ps1 script on your server to find the vulnerabilities and then apply the SUs to patch them.
