How to Delist the IP From Spamhaus Blacklist - IP Reputation.

Block listed by Spamhaus? Here’s what to do.

Those who are all using the own mail server like exchange servers for testing and lab purpose , and you are using static IP's [Usually its provided by your internet service providers). 

Sometimes those IP's may get blocked and listed in the global blacklist databases like spamhaus 

People may receive the Non deliver report like below

Here is the steps to delist the blacklisted IP from the database

Go to 

Enter the IP address and enter with blacklist Check

It will show, the IP has been blacklisted in spamhaus Zen along with details

What is the Spamhaus Blocklist?

The Spamhaus Block List (SBL), or Spamhaus blacklist, is a real-time database of IP addresses that Spamhaus identifies as a spam source according to its listing criteria. More specifically, according to the SBL policy, the list includes IP's that send unsolicited bulk emails or expose unwitting targets to threats.

Why are IP addresses blocked by Spamhaus?

Spamhaus does not block your IP address directly or prevent you from sending mail. Instead, it allows your recipient’s mail server to block your message. Spamhaus enables the mail server to check your IP’s listing on any of the Spamhaus IP blacklists. If the listing exists on those blacklists, receiving mail servers may reject your emails. 

few common reason's : Spam trap, Compromised security, Bulk emails.

Copy and paste the reason for Listing in the database

To remove the IP's from the black list, we need to give the below information to them .

As we are running our own email server , - Enable the check box below and provide the required information

you will be receiving the email from SPAMHAUS for verification. click the link and get it verified

Within few minutes, The IP will delist from SPAMHAUS blacklist database.
