Implementing Certificate Based Authentication for Exchange online power shell connect.

 Hello All

We are going to see , how to implement Certificate Based Authentication[CBA] for Exchange online power shell connect

What is CBA

Certificate-based Authentication (CBA) uses a digital certificate, acquired via cryptography, to identify a user, machine or device before granting access to a network, application or other resource. In our case, the resource is exchange-online powershell 

why we need CBA

 In the past, unattended sign in required you to store the username and password in a local file or in a secret vault that's accessed at run-time. But, as we all know, storing user credentials locally is not a good security practice

Certificate based authentication (CBA) or app-only authentication as described in this article supports unattended script and automation scenarios by using Azure AD apps and self-signed certificates.

How does it work?

The Exchange Online PowerShell module uses the Active Directory Authentication Library to fetch an app-only token using the application Id, tenant Id (organization), and certificate thumbprint. The application object provisioned inside Azure AD has a Directory Role assigned to it, which is returned in the access token. The session's role based access control (RBAC) is configured using the directory role information that's available in the token.

Let us start , the implenetation Procress

Go  to Azure  Ad portal  Https://

Click on App registration - > New Registration

Register a app in Azure AD

Name the application as you wish and click register

Next we need to give the permission and grant admin consent 

Click on API Permission and Add a permission

In the next page, Click API my Org and Search for exchange 

Select Office365 for Exchange Online

In the Next page, ---> Click Application Permission --->Drag down a little and select Exchange.ManageasAPP from Exchange Menu

Now its time to grant Permission for the app ( Exchange.ManageasApp)
Select the app and Grant a admin consent 

Click Yes in the next section

Now, the next section is to create certificate [self signed ] and upload in Azure App registration

Before going this section , we need to run few powershell commands to create a new certificate 

$newcertsplat = @{
DnsName = ""
CertStoreLocation = 'Cert:\currentuser\my'
Notafter = (get-date).addyears(1)
KeySpec = 'KeyExchange'
$mycert = new-selfsignedCertificate @newcertsplat

#export Certifcate to .Pfx
$exportcertsplat = @ {
Filepath = 'ExoCert.Pfx'
Password = $(convertto-SecureString -string "cloudmon@123" -AsplainText -Force)
$mycert | Export-certificate -filepath Exocert.cer

Once the certificate is available in your local PC  after the above line's are executed
Note : by default the certificate is stored in your folder where you executed

i ran in my default : "C:\Users\ramki " 

Go back to Azure AD --> App Registration --> select your apps --> Certificate and Secret

Click on Certificate  and upload the certificate 

Now we need to assign the Exchange administrator roles for this application.
Go to Azure Active Directory once again - Click roles and Administrations

Search for exchange administrator role

Add Assignments 

In a Select the member page -->select the apps which we created for the purpose

Give the justification and assign it 

cross verify it, whether the app is actively assigned in Active Assignment menu

That's it, All the configuration setup has completed and Its time to execute the exchange online powershell, for which we need to obtain the app ID from app registration
Copy the app id and execute the powershell commands below

$connectsplat =@{
Certificatefilepath = "C:\Users\ramki\exocert_01.pfx"
CertificatePassword = $(convertto-SecureString -string "cloudmon@123" -AsplainText -Force)
Appid = ''
Organization = ""
Connect-ExchangeOnline @connectsplat

As i said in the beginning of this topic , this would be help in the scenario or replace, on which our exchange online scripts are using any stored username and password in a local file  for unattended sign in required
