Exchange Hybrid deployment | Classic and Modern Exchange Hybrid - Part1

Hello All,

In this series, [from Part 1 - Part 4 ] we are going to cover the below major topics of exchange hybrid configuration wizards 

  1. Hybrid Configuration Wizard overview
  2. Hybrid configuration background process explained
  3. How Free busy works 
  4. How centralised mail flow works in hybrid environment 

we are going to see the Exchange Hybrid deployment and  going to cover the below topics in part 1

  • What is Hybrid Configuration Wizard
  • Features of Hybrid Configuration Wizard
  • Types of Hybrid Configuration Wizard - Classic and Modern
  • What features are available in  Classic and Modern

There are few methods of migration , admin can perform to migrate their mailboxes from exchange server  to M365 - Exchange online [EXO]

  • Staged
  • Cut-over
  • Hybrid

We can use Staged and Cut-over migration, if the business wants to completely  move the mailboxes to Microsoft 365, which means business wants to decommission the on-perm exchange server a part of data centre  shutdown

Hybrid migration can be consider , if business wants to have some mailboxes in onprem and some of the mailboxes to EXO to leverage the features of both exchange online and exchange onprem servers

Benefits of hybrid models

Mail routing with shared domain SMTP names Space

Unified Global Address List

Free busy and calendar sharing between the onprem exchange servers and EXO

Centralised control of inbound and outbound mail flow

Secure mail routing between EXO and Onprem exchange server using TLS

On boarding and off boarding mailbox movement of mailbox movement between two them

Cloud based message archive for onprem mailboxes, message tracking, Mail Tips

Onprem users can use Microsoft teams [Need some prerequisites ]

What is Exchange Hybrid Deployment

It provides a seamless look and feel like a singe exchange organisation between onprem exchange server and Exchange online


Reason for Hybrid

User from on-Premises want to access the applications or service available in M365

Customer wants to shutdown the data centres where exchange services are hosted and they want to decommission exchange onprem servers

As we see in the beginning of this article, that there are three type of migration

Staged, cut-over, and hybrid  on which staged and cut-over migration perform all the Databases should be migrated to M365 - EXO

Hybrid - Migrations on which DB's are hosted in onprem exchange servers and EXO as well

Types of Hybrid Deployment

Hybrid Wizard currently supports classic and modern

Based on the selection and requirement, hybrid deploys the configuration features,while running the hybrid configuration wizard

Eg :  if you want to to move only the mailboxes between onprem and EXO then you can select classic mode

Classic topology includes , minimal express and full features
Modern topology includes  minimal and Full features

Features available in classic and modern hybrid deployment

Now the question is , what type of hybrid configuration we should choose, classic or modern??

we check the above table and conclude , which one we can go for based on the business needs

Next Part 2 : Hybrid configuration Background process 
